Tuesday, January 26, 2016
The most important job in the world!
Thursday, January 21, 2016
Belief in yourself comes before belief in Him.
I am no Math whiz. In fact, Math wasn't even one of my favorite subjects in school. What I do remember about the subject is that the order of operation matters and you could arrive at vastly different answers using the same numbers depending on the order that you used them.
I am a very spiritual person. Other people who I know that believe in a Higher power put all of their faith in Him. I believe that this is wrong. When Jesus Christ asked Peter to come to Him by walking on the water at first he didn't have a problem. When he started to doubt himself then Peter began to sink.
Thursday, January 14, 2016
Driving in the slow lane
There is an art to driving consistently in the slow lane. I believe that you should only use the slow lane for getting on or off the freeway.
It's the lane to speed up to the flow of traffic if you're getting on the freeway or slowing down if you're getting off the freeway.
Some people consistently drive in the slow lane. They are constantly slowing down or speeding up to match the speed of people getting on or off the freeway.
Life is a lot like freeway driving. Some people get in the number one lane otherwise known as the fast lane and slow traffic down or either pass other traffic from the slow lane or drive too slowly in the slow lane. Take a risk. We have been conditioned to not take risks out of fear of the unknown. From my perspective the next moment is unknown and we still inhale! We breathe so that we may live. This is my reasoning for taking risks. Do it so that you can live.
It comes to a point where those people should not drive on the freeway at all.
Tuesday, January 12, 2016
The perfect storm
The more that I learn about the autoimmune condition called Multiple Sclerosis, the more that I'm certain of my conclusion.
1. Everyone who I have come in contact with that has MS was uncommonly active before the diagnosis.
2. They each had a stressor in their life and
3. They had certain genetic factors present.
It was as if the "perfect storm" of conditions made the disease present itself. It's as if we "pushed the disease out" and forced it to show itself.
Monday, January 11, 2016
Why does Monday get a bad rap?
Why does Monday get such a bad rap? Sadly, just like people, all days are not created equal. When you think about it Monday is really no different than any other day.
I've come to the conclusion that the people who hate Mondays have a job that they don't like and that's not Monday's fault. It's a personal problem and it shouldn't be projected onto a day of the week or a person for that matter.
Wednesday, January 6, 2016
Definition of true friendship
What is a true friend? After much thought and consideration I have arrived at the conclusion that true friendship is an amalgamation of two characteristics: 1) Honesty and 2) Loyalty.
Let's look at at honesty not to be confused with cruelty.
Honesty is the ability to give an opinion about something without judging the person.
Loyalty means being true to something or someone. It's belief in them against all odds. It's faith. The term 'blind faith' comes to mind. True faith is the belief in the unseen. Which, brings me back to loyalty and sticking with someone through thick and thin. Showing up for them like it's a job that you love.
Monday, January 4, 2016
Is one choice really an option?
I recently had a conversation with my youngest son and he said that he had do something and he gave only one choice. I thought about it and asked myself if one choice is really an option.
Technically, it is because the fall back option is always to do nothing, but in a practical sense one option is not really a choice.
It would be like asking someone to lunch and they give you a blank stare instead of an answer. Technically the blank stare is an answer, but you probably were looking for them to verbalize or shake their head yes or no.