Saturday, August 29, 2015


I thought about this topic for a long time before I wrote about it. As a mobile DJ for 31 years I have heard my share of couples recite wedding vows and not to sound cynical, but most of it is empty rhetoric.
In this era of women's rights and equal opportunity, people miss Biblical principles. I believe in women's rights and equal opportunity. I also believe that Biblical teaching trumps all of that. I believe that women should submit to a God fearing husband.
I say that because most of us forget the second part of the wedding vow which requires husbands to love their wives like Jesus loved the church. He gave his life for the church. (We conveniently forget that part.)
I submit that a woman will submit to a God fearing husband willingly. Especially if she knew that he loves her like Jesus Christ loves the church.
This is based on the Biblical teachings of Ephesians 5:22-33.


  1. AMEN.I have always believed that all women want to submit to a GOD loving man
    When men do not walk that path ,the result is disorder and confusion . We know who the author of confusion is. We forget a lot of the scriptures conforming to this world. When I hear men complaining about women and their attitudes, I think if they took their rightful place women would submit because they're looking for love and security. That is what Christ offers us

    1. I totally agree with you! We're so busy trying to conform to to this world that we sacrifice obedience to God's Word.
