Tuesday, November 10, 2015

Love expressed by laughter

There are many ways to express love. Some of the most common involve affection, affirmation and intimacy. Another way to show that you love someone is to laugh with them and not at them. Laughter is a very powerful emotion and human beings are the only animals that laugh to demonstrate comraderie. You usually laugh with someone who you genuinely care about (unless you are a sociopath). This laughter is often accompanied by affection. This is one of the obvious clues that someone likes another person. You see this all the time in movies and television shows that if a person can cause the other person to laugh on a regular basis that is a good sign. I call myself the "Minister of Mirth" and tell women that it is my job to make them laugh and smile. People usually smile when they are enjoying themselves. Make it your job to make someone smile today.

1 comment:

  1. You have done your job well, O'Minister! :)
    How do you overcome the challenge of a negative partner - someone who is so miserable or self-consumed that they won't 'let you in'? (robin)
