Tuesday, October 4, 2016

The Workaround

When you achieve a goal in a way that you didn't think you would have to it's called a workaround. You would be surprised to find out that many of the most important discoveries are workarounds to things that were originally intended for something else entirely! Many vaccines used for treating one disease end up being a treatment for an entirely different malady. In life we often have to create workarounds to accomplish what we deserve from this life. Too many of think that we don't have the time, money or education to do what is necessary to achieve the goal. The question is are you willing to create a workaround or does the method have to be exactly what you think it should be? Life never turns out the way you thought that it would. Does it have to go the way that you planned or are you willing to do something different and create a new way?

1 comment:

  1. While getting used to a new way, one must remember to be patient with the process; ultimately nourishing all involved with positivity. Feeling comfortable with a workaround or change could generally take 1 to 14 days. In the medical field, using the workaround method is also called, "the practice of medicine". As such,in a broader sense, one could call achieving a goal,"the practice of life".
