Monday, March 20, 2017


I know what it means to be marginalized. Now I know how some children, the elderly or some ethnic groups feel. Not only does your opinion not count. It isn't even asked for. Your opinion isn't even solicited. This happens even when you are imminently qualified! I experienced this first hand as a physically challenged person with dysarthria. This spoken by a professional disc jockey with over thirty years of experience! This can result in embarrassment in social situations even though there is no relationship between this symptom and the individual's intelligence. When I am in a group setting with my family or friends, I am often ignored or left out of the conversation. Meanwhile, my thoughts are left out like day old meat. It's important to let people know how you feel and you have something valuable to contribute to the discussion. A friend described this perfectly. She compared it to a newscaster talking to a foreign correspondent and the delay which often occurs before the other person starts to speak. Patience is a virtue...

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