Monday, November 9, 2015

Solitude vs. Loneliness

As I sit here and write this post I think about the difference between solitude and loneliness. It is quiet and no one else is around. I enjoy times like this. I am at peace and serene. I heard someone describe themselves on the Steve Harvey Show once as an extroverted introvert. I think that he made it up, but that describes me accurately. I like to be around people sometimes and other times l like to be alone. This is solitude. Don't confuse this feeling with loneliness because they are very different from other. You can be in a room full of people and be lonely. I've been there before. I felt as if I couldn't relate to any of them and I felt lonely. I like the feeling that I have now. Peace.


  1. I relate in that I, too, enjoy solitude and have learned the life lesson of what the difference between the two is.

  2. Some people have to leave their homes to find solitude. Isn't that amazing. With the telephone calls, family members who want your attention, animals that have needs and a host of other distractions, solitude is difficult to come by. I agree that you can be lonely in a room full of people. If you aren't around people who can stimulate your mind in some way it can seem like you're in a room full of total disconnection.
