Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Self Determination

When I was a teenager my dad made a sculpture of a clenched fist with the caption "Self Determination" inscribed on the bottom of it. I didn't know exactly what that meant at the time. As I have become a mature man I am beginning to understand what this means.
I have always had a desire to work for myself because of the self determination factor and the illusion of "job security" when you work for someone else.
I was talking to a friend yesterday whose daughter works for a big employer which is laying off a huge segment of their labor force. My friend was telling me how some of these people were reacting to the news. Some people were crying and others were doing some juvenile things in response to getting a pink slip such as making donuts in the parking lot with their cars!
Much of their misery was due to the fact that they didn't feel self determined, but dependent on the company. My friend noted that these were skilled professionals doing these immature things! I am determined to be self determined and not rely on the government for my pay (SSDI). The thought of another government shutdown is out of my control. Self Determination is within my control. I choose option two.

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